Privatnost podataka vrlo nam je bitna, prikupljamo samo nužne,osnovne podatke koji su nam potrebni za ispunjenje naših obaveza. Zaštitu Vaših osobnih podataka shvaćamo ozbiljno, te se obvezujemo na zaštitu istih temeljem Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka (GDPR).

Svi se podaci o korisnicima strogo čuvaju i dostupni su samo voditelju obrade


one by MarLu, obrt za proizvodnju i usluge

vl. Martina Luštein

Pribićka 3, 10 000 Zagreb

OIB 26510943150

mob: +385 95 5822 174

Vaši osobni podaci prenosit će se trećim stranama samo ukoliko je potrebno za pružanje naše usluge,npr.dostava ili ste nam za to dali suglasnost.Obavezujemo se da iste nećemo mijenjati, prodavati ili proslijeđivati s bilo kojom svrhom. Kako je u teoriji moguće da prijenos podataka putem interneta može imati sigurnosne propuste te nije moguće garantirati 100% sigurnost osobne podatke nam možete dostaviti putem telefonskog poziva.


Kako bi mogli izvršiti naše obaveze te Vam pružiti što bolju uslugu prikupljamo sljedeće podatke:

kontaktne informacije(ime i prezime, adresa, e-mail adresa, telefonski broj)
informacije o narudžbi
podatke o plaćanju i/ili povijesti plaćanja
ukoliko ste zatražili R1 račun podatke o OIB-u
IP adresu

Vaše osobne podatke koristimo za upravljanje online kupnjom na našoj web stranici, obradu i plaćanje narudžbe, slanje obavijesti o isporuci i samu isporuku. Također ćemo ih koristiti u slučaju eventualnog povrata ili bilo kakvog problema vezanog uz proizvod ili isporuku.

Vaši se osobni podaci koriste i za potvrdu pravne dobi za kupovinu putem Interneta kao i potvrdu Vaše adrese s vanjskim partnerima, za izradu prodajnih računa/ponuda prema ispitaniku (fizička adresa za dostavu robe, adresu narudžbe i adresu dostave).

Koristiti ćemo Vaše osobne podatke za odgovaranje na Vaše upite, tehničku podršku, rješavanje eventualnih pritužbi ili problema sa narudžbom.

IP adresa će biti uključena u poruku e-pošte ukoliko zatražite ponovo resetiranje lozinke)registrirani kupci).

Isto tako koristiti ćemo ih kako bi osigurali da poštujete prava i obveze iz našeg odnosa sa svrhom sprečavanja gubitaka s naše strana ili pak sprečavanjem zloupotrebe naših usluga.


Vaše podatke obrađujemo za ono vrijeme koje je potrebno da bi se izvršila usluga proizvoda, uključujući i potencijalne povrate, prigovore ili zahtjeve koji se odnose na kupnju proizvoda ili usluga. Nakon tog vremena biti će pohranjeni i zaštićeni tijekom razdoblja u kojem može doći do odgovornosti za njihovu obradu u skladu sa zakonski propisanim odredbama.


Vaše osobne podatke dijelimo sa našim pouzdanim partnerima u svrhu pružanja navedenih usluga(obrada plaćanja, isporuka naručenih proizvoda). Ovi su pružatelji usluga su zajedno sa pružateljem IT usluga(u slučaju što efikasnijeg rješavanja eventualnih tehničkih problema) obvezni na ispravan način zaštititi Vaše podatke i držati ih u tajnosti.


Ako imate račun na ovoj internet stranici možete zatražiti primanje izvozne datoteke osobnih podataka koje imamo o vama, uključujući sve podatke koje ste nam dostavili. Također možete zatražiti brisanje svih osobnih podataka koje imamo o vama. Ovo ne uključuje bilo koje podatke koje smo obavezni držati za administrativne, pravne ili sigurnosne namjene.


rOne by MarLu, obrt za proizvodnju i usluge

Pribićka 3

10 000 Zagreb

Troškove povrata robe snosi kupac. Prodavatelj će Kupcu vratiti sredstva najkasnije u roku od 14 dana od primitka artikla.

U slučaju umanjenja vrijednosti proizvoda koje je rezultat rukovanja proizvodom Prodavatelj će se naplatiti iz iznosa primljene kupoprodajne cijene u omjeru umanjenja vrijednosti robe prema vlastitoj procjeni uzimajući u obzir objektivne kriterije svakog pojedinog slučaja.

Pravo na raskid ugovora o kupoprodaji nije dopušten u sljedećim slučajevima kada je:

ugovor o uslugama trgovac u potpunosti ispunio, a ispunjenje je započelo uz izričit prethodni pristanak potrošača te uz njegovu potvrdu da je upoznat s činjenicom da će izgubiti pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora iz ovoga odsjeka ako usluga bude u potpunosti ispunjena
predmet ugovora roba ili usluga čija je cijena ovisna o promjenama na financijskom tržištu koje su izvan utjecaja trgovca, a koje se mogu pojaviti za vrijeme trajanja prava potrošača na jednostrani raskid ugovora
predmet ugovora roba koja je izrađena po specifikaciji potrošača ili koja je jasno prilagođena potrošaču
predmet ugovora lako pokvarljiva roba ili roba kojoj brzo istječe rok uporabe
predmet ugovora zapečaćena roba koja zbog zdravstvenih ili higijenskih razloga nije pogodna za vraćanje, ako je bila otpečaćena nakon dostave
predmet ugovora roba koja je zbog svoje prirode nakon dostave nerazdvojivo pomiješana s drugim stvarima
potrošač posebno zahtijevao posjet trgovca radi obavljanja hitnih popravaka ili poslova održavanja, s time da ako prilikom takvog posjeta, uz one usluge koje je potrošač izrijekom zahtijevao, trgovac pruži i neke druge usluge, odnosno isporuči i neku drugu robu osim one koja je nužna za obavljanje hitnih popravaka ili poslova održavanja, potrošač ima pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora u vezi s tim dodatnim uslugama ili robompredmet ugovora isporuka digitalnog sadržaja koji nije isporučen na tjelesnom mediju ako je ispunjenje ugovora započelo uz izričit prethodni pristanak potrošača te uz njegovu potvrdu da je upoznat s činjenicom da će time izgubiti pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora.
Kada je kupac pravna osoba na njega se ne primjenjuje odjeljak ovih Uvjeta kupovine pod nazivom „Pravo na jednostrani raskid ugovora“. Kod pravnih osoba se primjenjuje Zakon o obveznim odnosima i Zakon o elektroničkoj trgovini.


Uvjeti korištenja definiraju postupak obrade narudžbe, tj.naručivanja, plaćanja, isporuke i eventualnih povrata i/ili reklamacije artikala u našoj internet trgovini. Prodavatelj je one by MarLu, obrt za proizvodnju i usluge, vl. Martina Luštein, Pribićka 3, 10 000 Zagreb, OIB 26510943150,a Kupac je posjetitelj internet trgovine koji odabere barem jedan artikl, popuni elektronski formular narudžbe(košaricu u internet trgovini) i pošalje ga Prodavatelju.



Sve cijene na našoj internet trgovini izražene su u kunama(HRK) i eurima(€) s uključenim PDV-om. Pri kupnji vrijede cijene na dan narudžbe, odnosno sva naručena roba biti će isporučena po cijenama koje su vrijedile po izradi ponude odnosno u trenutku narudžbe.

Cijene su važeće do promjene cjenika. one by MarLu je ovlašten mijenjati cijene bez prethodne obavijesti.



Kupac može ili ne mora biti registriran na kako bi izvršio kupovinu. Prilikom registracije od Kupca se zahtjeva da se unese e-mail adresu i lozinku.


Artikle možete naručiti isključivo putem elektronskog obrazca-košarice u internet trgovini. Nakon odabira artikala Kupac unosi svoje osobne podatke potrebne za izvršenje usluge(ime i prezime, adresa, e-mail adresa, broj telefona, OIB ukoliko je potreban R1 račun) te vrši plaćanje na način prema vlastitom izboru.

Nakon izvršene uplate Kupac će primiti obavijest o zaprimanju narudžbe. U slučaju da  Prodavatelj nije u mogućnosti isporučiti neki od naručenih artikala kontaktirati će Kupca telefonski ili putem e-maila te ga obavijestiti o tome.Kupac ima opciju tražiti zamjenski li otkazati naručeni proizvod.


Platiti možete transakcijski ili pouzećem.


Dostavljamo artikle na području:

Republike Hrvatske-cijena dostave 40,00 kn/5,31€ za kopno;70,00/9,29€  kn za otoke koji nisu povezani s kopnom                                                                                                                                                                                                           Republike Slovenije-cijena dostave 90,00 kn/11,95€                                                                                                                                           Republike Austrije,Republike Češke,Republike Slovačke,Republike Njemačke,Republike Mađarske-cijena dostave 160,00 kn/21,24€

Cijena dostave nije uračunata u cijenu artikala. Za narudžbe veće od 1.000,00/132,72€ kn dostava je besplatna.

Na donjem linku možete naći dane raspored dostave za otoke i mjesta u kojima se dostava ne vrši svaki dan.

Rokovi dostave:

  • tri do sedam radnih dana
  • do deset radnih dana na otoke i u mjesta u koja se dostava ne vrši svaki dan(popis možete naći na gornjem linku)


U slučaju kašnjenja isporuke radi nepredviđenih uvjeta(npr. vremenske nepogode i sl.) bez krivnje one by MarLu ili ukoliko Kupac nije dostupan na kontaktima koje je naveo prilikom narudžbe pa ga iz tog razloga ne možemo obavijestiti o kašnjenju one by MarLu ne odgovara za kašnjenje isporuke.

Kupcu se narudžba isporučuje na adresu koju je naveo pri naručivanju kao adresu dostave.

Kupac je prilikom preuzimanja narudžbe obavezan pregledati pošiljku kako bi utvrdio da nema vidljivih oštečenja. Potpisivanjem dostavnice, primitkom narudžbe i računa Kupac potvrđuje da je prilikom dostave izvršio pregled artikla i da nema oštećenja na pakiranju.



Kupac ima pravo na zamjenu artikala u roku od 14 dana od primitka narudžbe. Zamjena artikala je moguća samo uz predočenje računa. Kupac artikle šalje o svom trošku.

Zamjenu je kupac dužan zatražiti zamjenu putem e-maila sa sadržajem ZAMJENA: broj narudžbe u predmetu e-maila.

Kupac je u e-mailu obavezan navesti da li želi artikl mijenjati za drugu veličinu ili boju istog artikla ili pak za drugi artikl. Artikli koji se vraćaju moraju biti neoštećeni neupotrebljavani, sa orginalnim etiketama, pravilno zapakirani kako ne bi došlo do oštećenja prilikom transporta.

Adresa za povrat artikala:

One by MarLu, obrt za proizvodnju i usluge

Pribićka 3

10 000 Zagreb

Kad utvrdimo da su artikli u stanju u kojem su poslani Kupcu odobravamo zamjenu. Nakon što odobrimo zamjenu o čemu će Kupac biti obaviješten elektronskim putem odabrani zamjenski artikl šaljemo na adresu Kupca.



 one by MarLu odgovara za materijalne nedostatke isporučenih proizvoda.Materijlni nedostatci postoje u slučaju da:

  • artikl nema potrebna svojstva za svoju redovitu uporabu ili za promet,
  • artikl nema potrebna svojstva za posebnu uporabu za koju je Kupac nabavlja, a koja je bila poznata prodavatelju ili mu je morala biti poznata,
  • artikl nema svojstva i odlike koje su izrijekom ili prešutno ugovorene, odnosno propisane,
  • je Prodavatelj predao stvar koja nije jednaka uzorku ili modelu, osim ako su uzorak ili model pokazani samo radi obavijesti,
  • artikl nema svojstva koja inače postoje kod drugih stvari iste vrste i koja je kupac mogao opravdano očekivati prema naravi stvari, posebno uzimajući u obzir javne izjave prodavatelja, proizvođača i njihovih predstavnika o svojstvima stvari (reklame, označavanje stvari i dr.).


Kupac je obvezan obavijestiti prodavatelja o postojanju vidljivih nedostataka u roku od dva mjeseca od dana kad je otkrio nedostatak, a najkasnije u roku od dvije godine od prijelaza rizika na potrošača. Kad se nakon primitka stvari od strane Kupca pokaže da stvar ima neki nedostatak koji se nije mogao otkriti uobičajenim pregledom prilikom preuzimanja stvari, Kupac je dužan, pod prijetnjom gubitka prava, o tom nedostatku obavijestiti prodavatelja u roku od dva mjeseca računajući od dana kad je nedostatak otkrio. 

Prodavatelj ne odgovara za nedostatke koji se pokažu pošto proteknu dvije godine od predaje stvari. Prava Kupca koji je pravodobno obavijestio prodavatelja o postojanju nedostatka gase se nakon isteka dvije godine, računajući od dana odašiljanja obavijesti Prodavatelju, osim ako je prodavateljevom prijevarom Kupac bio spriječen da ih ostvaruje. 

Ako se utvrdi postojanje materijalnog nedostatka prodavatelj može imati jednu od sljedećih obveza, sve u skladu sa odredbama Zakona o obveznim odnosima prema izboru potrošača: 

  • uklanjanje nedostatka,
  • predaja drugog proizvoda bez nedostatka(zamjena),
  • sniženje cijene,
  • raskid ugovora.

Prava temeljem materijalnog nedostatka na stvari regulirana su Zakonom o obveznim odnosima.

Kada je Kupac pravna osoba na njega se odnose pravila o materijalnom nedostatku propisana Zakonom o obveznim odnosima, posebno u dijelu u kojem je materijalni nedostatak za pravne osobe uređen drugačije od ovdje navedenoga u Uvjetima korištenja, tada se primjenjuje Zakon o obveznim odnosima



Zbog različitih rezolucija monitora na Vašim elektronskim uređajima može doći do razlike u sukladnosti boja koje vidite na monitoru i boja artikala za što one by MarLu ne odgovara.

One by MarLu ne snosi odgovornost u slučaju:

razlike u sukladnosti boja artikala na monitorima Vaših elektronskih uređaja i boja artikala u stvarnosti,čiji je uzrok razlišita rezolucija monitora
kašnjenja isporuke radi nepredviđenih uvjeta(npr. vremenske nepogode i sl.) bez krivnje one by MarLu ili ukoliko Kupac nije dostupan na kontaktima koje je naveo prilikom narudžbe pa ga iz tog razloga ne možemo obavijestiti o kašnjenju
neisporuke artikala radi navođenja neispravne podataka za isporuku
oštećenja pakiranja i/ili artikala nastalih prilikom dostave
oštećenja artikala zbog nepravilnog korištenja, npr. pranje artikala na neprikladnoj temperaturi, ostavljanja interaktivnih igračaka na dohvat kućnim ljubimcima bez nadzora
posljedica proizašlih iz nedostupnosti internetskih stranica uslijed tehničkih razloga
za moguće troškove nastale korištenjem računalne opreme i telekomunikacijskih sustava zbog korištenja naše internet stranice ili internet trgovine
bilo kakave štete nastale zbog prekida internetske veze za vrijeme korištenja naše internet stranice ili internet rgovine
neautoriziranog korištenja korisničkog imena i lozinke registriranog Kupca
bilo kakve štete nastale Kupcu u vezi sa zlouporabom korištenja naše internet stranice ili internet trgovine od strane trećih osoba
Korištenjem one by MarLu internet stranice i internet trgovine Kupac prihvaća sve rizike korištenja internet stranica te stranice koristi samo za osobnu upotrebu i na vlastitu odgovornost.

Kupac se obavezuje koristiti našu internet stranicu i internet trgovinu na način sukladan sa zakonom. U ni jednom momentu se na internet stranici one by MarLu ne dozvoljava distribucija uznemirujućih sadržaja koji na bilo koji način potiču govor mržnje, pornografske sadržaje, sadržaje koji šire diskriminaciju te bilo koji oblik komunikacije kojem je cilj na bilo koji način povrijediti druge.

Sadržaje na stranici nije dozvoljeno mijenjati u bilo kojem smislu.

one by MarLu ima pravo na promjenu cijena svojih artikala bez prethodne najave. Pri kupnji vrijede cijene na dan narudžbe, odnosno sva naručena roba biti će isporučena po cijenama koje su vrijedile po izradi ponude odnosno u trenutku narudžbe.

One by MarLu ima pravo na mijenjanje, ograničavanje korištenja ili ukidanje stranice te ne odgovara za moguće posljedice mijenjanja,ograničavanja korištenja ili ukidanja.

One by MarLu ima pravo na mijenjanje uvjeta korištenja bez prethodne najave. Kupac je dužan prilikom svakog posjeta našoj internet stranici i/ili internet trgovini pročitati Uvjete korištenja koji su dostupni na stranici.


Data privacy is very important to us, we collect only the necessary, basic data that we need to meet our obligations. We take the protection of your personal data seriously, and we are committed to protecting it under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

 All user data is strictly kept and is only available to the processing manager


one by MarLu, obrt za proizvodnju i usluge

vl. Martina Luštein

Pribićka 3, 10 000 Zagreb

OIB 26510943150

mob: +385 95 5822 174

Your personal data will be transferred to third parties only if necessary for the provision of our service, eg delivery or you have given us consent. We undertake not to change, sell or pass it on for any purpose. As in theory it is possible that data transmission via the Internet may have security vulnerabilities and it is not possible to guarantee 100% security, you can provide us with personal data via phone call.


In order to fulfill our obligations and provide you with the best possible service, we collect the following information:

contact information (name and surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number)

order information

payment information and / or payment history

if you have requested an R1 invoice OIB information

IP address


We use your personal information to manage online purchases on our website, process and pay for your order, send delivery notifications and the delivery itself. We will also use them in the event of a return or any problem with the product or delivery.

Your personal data is also used to confirm the legal age for online shopping as well as to confirm your address with external partners, to create sales invoices / offers to the respondent (physical address for delivery of goods, order address and delivery address).

We will use your personal information to answer your inquiries, technical support, resolve any complaints or problems with your order.The IP address will be included in the email if you request a password reset) registered customers).

We will also use them to ensure that you respect the rights and obligations of our relationship for the purpose of preventing losses on our part or preventing misuse of our services.


We process your information for the time it takes to complete a product service, including potential refunds, complaints, or claims related to the purchase of a product or service. After that time, they will be stored and protected during the period in which responsibility for their processing may arise in accordance with the legally prescribed provisions.


We share your personal data with our trusted partners for the purpose of providing these services (payment processing, delivery of ordered products). These service providers, together with the IT service provider (in the case of the most efficient solution of possible technical problems) are obliged to properly protect your data and keep it confidential.


If you have an account on this website, you may request to receive an export file of personal information we hold about you, including any information you provide to us. You may also request the deletion of all personal information we hold about you. This does not include any information we are required to hold for administrative, legal or security purposes.

The Terms of Use define the order processing procedure, in ordering, payment, delivery and possible returns and / or reclamation of items in our online store. The seller is one by MarLu, craft for production and services, owner Martina Luštein, Pribićka 3, 10 000 Zagreb, OIB 26510943150, and the buyer is a visitor to the online store who selects at least one item, fill out an electronic order form (cart in the online store) and send it to the Seller.


All prices on our online store are expressed in Croatian kuna (HRK) and euro (€) including VAT. When buying, the prices are valid on the day of the order, all ordered goods will be delivered at the prices that were valid at the time of making the offer or at the time of the order.

 Prices are valid until the price list changes. One by MarLu is authorized to change prices without prior notice.


The customer may or may not be registered at to make a purchase. When registering, the Customer is required to enter an e-mail address and password.


You can order items exclusively via the electronic shopping cart form in the online store. After selecting the item, the Customer enters his personal data required to perform the service (name and surname, address, e-mail address, telephone number, OIB if an R1 invoice is required) and makes payment in the manner of his choice.

After the payment is made, the Buyer will receive a notification of receipt of the order. In case the Seller is not able to deliver any of the ordered items, he will contact the Buyer by phone or e-mail and inform him about it. The Buyer has the option to ask for a replacement or cancel the ordered product.


We deliver items in the territory of:

Republic of Croatia-delivery price 40,00 kn/5,31€ for inland,70,00 kn/9,29€ for island that are not connected to mainland with bridge

Slovenia-delivery price 90,00 kn/11,95€

Austria,Czech Republic,Slovakia,Germany,Hungary-delivery price 160,00 kn/21,24€

The delivery price is not included in the price of the items. For orders larger than HRK 1,000.00 kn/132,72€ delivery is free.Possibility without delivery is exclusively by prior arrangement.

At the link below you can find the given delivery schedule for islands and places where delivery is not done every day.

Delivery times:

 -three to seven working days

-up to ten working days to the islands and to places where delivery is not done every day (you can find the list        on the link above)

In case of delayed delivery due to unforeseen conditions (eg weather disasters, etc.) through no fault of one by MarLu or if the Buyer is not available on the contacts specified during the order and therefore we cannot inform him about the delay one by MarLu is not responsible for delays deliveries.

In the case of a larger order or a larger number of orders, there is the possibility of a longer delivery time, of which the Buyer will be notified upon receipt of the order.

The order is delivered to the customer to the address specified in the order as the delivery address.

When taking over the order, the buyer is obliged to inspect the shipment to determine that there is no visible damage. By signing the invoice, receiving the order and the invoice, the Buyer confirms that during the delivery he inspected the item and that there is no damage.



The buyer has the right to replace the item within 14 days of receiving the order. Replacement of items is possible only upon presentation of an invoice. The buyer sends the items at his own expense.


The customer is obliged to request a replacement via e-mail with the content REPLACEMENT: order number in the e-mail subject.


The buyer is obliged to state in the e-mail whether he wants to change the item for another size or color of the same item or for another item. Returned items must be undamaged, unused, with original labels, properly packaged to prevent damage during transport.


Item return address:


When we determine that the items are in the condition in which they were sent to the Buyer, we approve the replacement. After we approve the replacement, of which the Buyer will be notified electronically, we send the selected replacement item to the Buyer’s address.




One by MarLu is responsible for material defects of the delivered products. Material defects exist in the event that:


-the item does not have the necessary properties for its regular use or for marketing,

-the item does not have the necessary properties for the special use for which the Buyer procures it, and which was known to the seller or must have been known to him,

-the item does not have the properties and characteristics that are explicitly or tacitly agreed, ie prescribed,

the Seller has submitted an item that is not identical to the sample or model, unless the sample or model is shown for information only,

-the item does not have properties that otherwise exist in other items of the same type and that the buyer could reasonably expect according to the nature of the item, especially considering public statements of sellers, manufacturers and their representatives on the properties of items (advertising, labeling, etc.).

The buyer is obliged to notify the seller of the existence of visible defects within two months from the date of discovery of the defect, and no later than two years from the transfer of risk to the consumer. When, after receiving the goods from the Buyer, it turns out that the thing has a defect that could not be detected by the usual inspection when taking over the thing, the Buyer is obliged, under the threat of loss of rights, to notify the seller of this defect within two months. discovered.


The seller is not responsible for defects that appear after two years have passed since the delivery of the item. The rights of the Buyer who timely notified the Seller of the existence of the defect shall expire after two years, counting from the date of sending the notice to the Seller, unless the Seller’s fraud prevented the Buyer from realizing them.


If the existence of a material defect is determined, the seller may have one of the following obligations, all in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Obligations according to the consumer’s choice:

elimination of the defect,

delivery of another product without defect (replacement),

price reduction,

contract termination.

Rights based on material lack of property are regulated by the Law on Obligations.


When the Buyer is a legal entity, the rules on material deficiency prescribed by the Civil Obligations Act apply to it, especially in the part where the material defect for legal entities is regulated differently from the one stated here in the Terms of Use, then the Civil Obligations Act applies.




The buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract (cancel the purchase) within 14 days without giving a reason. The 14-day period starts from the day the product is picked up. The contract is terminated by sending an unambiguous written statement (one by MarLu, obrt za proizvodnju i usluge, Pribićka 3, 10 000 Zagreb) or via internet mail ( in which you will state your name and surname, address, telephone number and email address. Refunds will be made no later than 14 days after they receive a written or electronic request for unilateral termination of the contract by One by MarLu.


In the case that the Buyer has already taken over the item and canceled the purchase, the taken over goods must be returned to the Seller upon written notice. When returning the items, they must be unused and undamaged, so it is obligatory to enclose a copy of the original invoice and send everything together to the sender’s address:


The cost of returning the goods is borne by the buyer. The Seller will return the funds to the Buyer no later than 14 days from the receipt of the item.


In the event of impairment of the product resulting from the handling of the product, the Seller will be charged from the amount of the purchase price received in the ratio of impairment of goods at its own discretion, considering the objective criteria of each case.


The right to terminate the contract of sale is not allowed in the following cases:


-the trader has fully fulfilled the service contract, and the fulfillment began with the explicit prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he knows he will lose the right to unilateral termination of the contract from this section if the service is fully performed

-subject of a contract for goods or services whose price depends on changes in the financial market that are beyond the influence of the trader, and which may occur during the consumer’s right to unilateral termination of the contract

-the subject of the contract is goods made to the consumer’s specification or clearly adapted to the consumer

-the subject of the contract is perishable goods or expired goods

subject of the contract sealed goods which due to health or hygiene reasons are not suitable for return, if they were unsealed after delivery

-the subject of a contract is a commodity which, by its nature, is inseparably mixed with other things after delivery

-the consumer specifically requested a visit from the trader to perform urgent repairs or maintenance work, provided that during such a visit, in addition to those services explicitly requested by the consumer, the trader provides other services, or delivers other goods than those necessary to perform urgent repairs or maintenance work, the consumer has the right to unilaterally terminate the contract in relation to these additional services or goods

-the subject of the contract is the delivery of digital content that is not delivered on physical media if the fulfillment of the contract began with the explicit prior consent of the consumer and with his confirmation that he is aware of the fact that he will lose the right to unilateral termination.

When the buyer is a legal entity, the section of these Terms of Purchase entitled “Right to unilateral termination of the contract” does not apply to him. The Law on Obligations and the Law on Electronic Commerce apply to legal entities.




Due to the different resolutions of the monitor on your electronic devices, there may be a difference in the consistency of the colors you see on the monitor and the colors of the items for which those by MarLu are not suitable.


One by MarLu is not responsible in the case of:


-differences in the consistency of the colors of the items on the monitors of your electronic devices and the colors of the items, which is caused by the different resolution of the monitors

-delivery delays due to unforeseen conditions (e.g., weather disasters, etc.) through no fault of One by MarLu or if the Buyer is not available on the contacts specified during the order, so for this reason we cannot inform him about the delay

-non-delivery of items because of incorrect delivery data

-damage to packaging and / or items incurred during delivery

-damage to the item due to improper use, eg washing the item at an inappropriate temperature, leaving interactive toys out of the reach of pets unattended

-consequences arising from the unavailability of websites due to technical reasons

for possible costs incurred by using computer equipment and telecommunications systems due to the use of our website or online store

-any damages caused by the interruption of the Internet connection while using our website or online store

unauthorized use of the registered Customer’s username and password

-any damages incurred by the Customer in connection with the misuse of our website or online store by third parties

By using the One by MarLu website and online store, the Customer accepts all risks of using the website and uses that website only for personal use and at his own risk.


The buyer undertakes to use our website and online store in a manner consistent with the law. At no time is the One by MarLu website permitted to distribute harassing content that in any way incites hate speech, pornographic content, content that promotes discrimination, or any form of communication aimed at harming others in any way.


The contents of the site may not be modified in any way.


One by MarLu has the right to change the prices of its items without prior notice. When buying, the prices are valid on the day of the order, ie all ordered goods will be delivered at the prices that were valid at the time of making the offer or at the time of the order.


One by MarLu reserves the right to change, restrict the use or cancel the site and is not responsible for the possible consequences of changing, restricting the use or cancellation.


One by MarLu reserves the right to change the terms of use without prior notice. The customer is obliged to read the Terms of Use available on the website every time he visits our website and / or online store.


















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